Sunday, May 30, 2004
I finally got a weekend of nice weather and I spent the ENTIRE weekend working in the gardens--8 hours Saturday and 10.5
hours today. I was outside at 6 a.m. and did not come back in until 4:30 p.m. (except to make coffee for my three coffee breaks).
The gardens
desperately needed attention--I spent a lot of time digging grass out.
In my opinion, it is the biggest chore of an established perennial garden. If you don't get it out while it is young
with a small root system, it will invade and ruin your entire garden.

In this area, I took grass out by the wheelbarrow load. It was badly infested
and I had to take many plants along with it. If I have to lose a plant to get rid of the grass, I will sacrifice
the plant almost every time.
After hours of exhausting work, I eagerly sat down in the nearest bench to admire my handiwork. Two feet front
where I sat, mercilessly taunting me, were the seed heads of a blade of grass swaying in the gentle winds. It is a never-ending