Large containers give you a chance to express your creativity. A 10-inch pot of petunias is nice, but let's face
it---pretty dull. It is much more fun to plan color combinations, textures, and heights to produce a stunning display.
It is not difficult to do. The first thing you need is a large container.

Make sure your container has drainage holes in the bottom. I had to drill holes in this tub. I then used screening to
cover the bottom. This prevents dirt from falling through the holes.

I chose a canna with beautiful multi-hued leaves. It will bloom with bright yellow-edged orange flowers,
a Sun coleus, one gazania (yellow flower), 7 small begonias, and a croton. The croton is actually a houseplant, but I
loved the expressive foliage so thought I would try it.

Fill the container about 1/3 full of soil before you put the plants in.

and here it is----------all planted. I divided the croton into 3 pieces. Since this will be viewed from the front only,
I planted the tallest plant (the canna) in the back. If it were to be viewed from all sides, I would have put it in the middle.
I am very excited about this one! I will post pictures when it flowers.
July 29, 2004 The cana blooms!
I must admit I expected a much larger bloom, but I am still pleased with
this container, if only for the vivid foliage. I added limelight licorice in the front because I thought it needed some trailing
foliage, though it has not "trailed" much.

The Deck Containers
Click the link above to check out some of my other containers.